Few may know that one of my life goals is to live abroad for at least two months. Well, as Andrew has been assigned to at least a year contract with T. Rowe International, I say mission accomplished! Since I'm living one of my goals, I thought, what better way to document it than through a blog! I hope you enjoy following my many, yet sometimes ordinary, adventures!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Gorgeous Weather, Market Weekends & Volcanic Ash!

The weather this past week has been absolutely gorgeous. Sunny, warm-ish, light until after 8 pm, zero humidity. Just wonderful! So wonderful, in fact, Andrew and I have been trying out our garden square because it's HOPPING on the weekend when the weather is nice!! Yesterday, I tried to do some work in the garden, but that proved rather difficult as the warm sun made me want to just close my eyes and relax :) That, and everyone else spread out in the grass and wine and cheese and champagne and snacks... i wanted all those things. lol. 

BUT highlights from this past week:

1. Beautiful weather.

2. Girl Date with Alison.  Andrew and I attended also and Bernie's beautiful wedding last month and while Andrew was away, she was sweet enough to reach out to me! So Wednesday, we met at Waterloo station and she showed me a whole different area of the city that was right on the river. We had dinner at this restaurant with a piano player under the train tracks. I think it was called Arch Duke. The fish here has sketched me out a bit  (just because the smell of the fishmonger is ALWAYS overwhelming when i grocery shop) but I ordered sea bass and it was glorious! And then we went to this trendy/artsy bar on the ground floor of the film school in those parts and had a few more drinks. I REALLY enjoyed myself, Alison is the best!! It was so so so nice to have some girl time! 

Walking from the restaurant to the bar, there was also a really cool skate park with graffiti all over the walls and ramps and rails and such for the skateboarders to show off - which they did - but I'm telling you, the older I get, the more I see exactly what can go wrong in certain activities. I couldn't even watch the guys doing tricks because I didn't want to see anyone crack their head open or break an arm... my poor kids, I will conscious have to work not to be overprotective. And if they are anything like me, they will be incredibly accident prone. BUT I would really like to take my nice camera and go back some time because I bet I could get some REALLY cool pictures :) 

3. Lunch with Andrew. I met Andrew for lunch one day this past week. We went to Hummus brothers where I got chicken and feta in my bowl of hummus - i'm addicted! And then, since it was so nice, we walked over to St. Paul's Cathedral and sat down with the loads of other people there and had a coffee. I could've KICKED myself for not bringing my camera, it was seriously one of the most beautiful places i've seen in the city thus far. Everything was in bloom, the buildings were old and glorious, and the sun was shining!! We're going to try and do his once a week!

4. Jo's Birthday! Friday I met Andrew at work and we went to a local pub for drinks to celebrate Jo's birthday! She works and T. Rowe, but she and I have gotten along really well the last few times I've seen her so I wanted to celebrate too! It was a lot of fun! I haven't laughed that much in a long time :) 

After that, Andrew and I got ourselves Paul's for dinner - only my most favorite sandwich and pastry place in London - and then went to the "Cinema" for the first time. Since andrew has a more mature sense of humour than me (I'm trying to slowly adapt my writing to proper English spellings) instead of seeing Kick-Ass like I wanted, I suggested we see Ghost. It was a political thriller (is there such a genre??!?) and it was pretty entertaining! But the ending wasn't the best and it didn't really shed Americans in the greatest of light but what can you do. LOL. Tina Fey and Steve Carrell's movie Date Night comes out this week so hopefully we'll go see that soon :)

5.Shepherd's Bush Market. Not only is there a FANTASTIC mall by the Shepherd's Bush station, there is a huge street market! They had veggies and tons of fabric shops!! THis is why i wanted to go to this market in the first place. There were also a bunch of butchers that we visited because Andrew is dying to find some Ostrich meat. But back to the fabric - I made poor andrew walk every inch of that market for fabric, quilting wadding, and this ribbon/rope/string that I made up in my head and think will look great as the straps to this dress I made and want to use as a beach cover up in Majorca this weekend! 

6. Ash Cloud.  Due to the volcanic ash cloud from Iceland, over 30 European countries have closed their air space. According to the news, it was supposed to have been settling over London the last few days but the skies have been so clear and nice that it's hard to imagine that is the case! Flights are still canceled for today, I just hope that everything is up and running by Saturday when we are supposed to go to Spain!!! I've been really pumped about this trip!

7. Costa Coffee. I have decided that I prefer Costa to Starbucks! They have the best skinny lattes!  

8. Sunday Morning Run. So I decided that I need to get back in shape and have no motivation on my own. So andrew came up with this plan to run around Hyde park where we run five minutes and walk one and do this all the way around. Apparently a lot of 60+ year old marathon runners use this technique. Well, I was pissy and tired and mean before we even got to the park. Poor Andrew - I may have yelled at him a lot for taking me on such a strenuous mood and I thought he was making me run longer than 5 minute stints... let's just say that once I was home and showered and fed (i made us my mom's ham, egg, and cheese breakfast casserole), I felt much better.

9. Spitafields Market. Over by the Liverpool street station, there is a HUGE market where people sell items they've made like clothing and jewelry and there are some food places with outdoor dining. I had no idea how huge it was!! I didn't buy anything at this market, but I took a bunch of pictures and Andrew and I had a lot of fun goofing around...well, I was goofing around. One store was even generic about it merchandise, but pretty clear about who they wanted to shop there:

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