Once on the red carpet, the first person I see? Emma Watson! She's literally 10 feet away from me. If you are not a celeb on the red carpet, they really do their best to usher you right along. This experience made me realise that for as big a Harry Potter fan as I am, I had no idea what these people's real names were! But I can tell you I saw Ginny Weasley, Tonks, Lupin, Snape, the Minister of Magic, JK Rowling, all within the first 30 feet I walked. I also saw non-HP celebs like Damian Lewis (he's in the TV show Life and Band of Brothers).

When you round the corner towards Leicester Square, there were pieces of the set for pictures! And then they had Hedwig and Deatheaters! It was AMAZING!
You keep walking some more (having tons of fans taking MY picture thinking I'm someone famous) and eventually end up at the Leicester Square Odeon!

It literally picked up right where the other movie left off so I wished I had re-watched the Part 1 before this screening, but it didn't hinder too much. It was awesome!

I also saw Draco Malfoy leave with Emma Watson (who had changed her dress at this point) from the Balcony. And (Spoiler Alert) I saw all the kids as I was leaving that played Harry & Hermoine's kids at the end of the movie. We were then ushered towards some coaches that took us to the After Party!!

I ended up not staying too late at the after party. I think all the excitement drained me, but it was really a once in a lifetime evening.
I called all my family members on my taxi ride home to recount my star studded evening as they have teased me for years about my Harry Potter obsession.
I can't believe it's over. I will always have a special place in my heart for Harry Potter. Now all I have to look forward to is going to Howgwarts in Orlando! Which I totally am pumped about visiting :)
when are you going to Orlando? Matt and I are thinking of going too! I would have loved to meet Fred and George. They are my favorite characters in the books hehe