Few may know that one of my life goals is to live abroad for at least two months. Well, as Andrew has been assigned to at least a year contract with T. Rowe International, I say mission accomplished! Since I'm living one of my goals, I thought, what better way to document it than through a blog! I hope you enjoy following my many, yet sometimes ordinary, adventures!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cupcakes and Snow and Visits from the States!

I can't believe how close Christmas is! We are going home to the states next week so I've been a busy bee getting myself together. I also got my first job last week! I'm decorating cupcakes for/working at a bakery in Kensington. It's called Buttercup and is owned by an American lady, Donna. I'm fairly certain the only reason she chose me was because I have design experience since she kept asking me during my interview that if she hired me, would i be willing to design some stuff for her. Otherwise, why else would me - who has zero bakery experience - beat out a girl with 15 years in a bakery?? 

I've only worked a few shifts so far, but it's nice to get out of the house a bit. I get a free cupcake every shift and let me tell you, that perk is going to be a VERY bad thing. I've only given two of the cupcakes away... I've eaten all the rest! I REALLY love the banana cupcake, it's like banana bread with cream cheese frosting! And the lemon cream cheese is to die for! I had a flavor called Banoffee, which is banana cupcake with butterscotch icing and caramel curls covering it. I couldn't eat that whole cake because it was too sweet!! 

Working has helped me be busier in my down time too. Like today, I made a mini quilt for Maeby! We are teaching her to sleep in her puppy bed NEXT TO our bed instead of in our bed with us or in her crate. I feel REALLY bad making her sleep in her crate because I know she doesn't like to and she looks so pitiful every time its time for her to go in there. She's done really well with the learning, only a few problems: a)she wakes up REALLY early and I have to make her go back to bed, and b) she snores REALLY loud. If she falls asleep before we do, it's a long night. A condition of her sleeping in her own bed is that we have to cover her up. She's a burrower. I've been using my bathrobe, but I had a lot of pretty fabric so I decided to make her her own little blanky! It's the closest I've come to really completing an entire project start to finish. All that's left is sewing the edges somehow. I didn't really know how to make a quilt, but i figured it couldn't be much more than sewing a bunch of  squares together. And I used jersey material for the back so it would be nice and snuggly :) So the edges - not really sure how to finish them off, but I'm sure a quick google search will help me figure that out.
Chris Bloch is in Europe at the moment. He stayed last Wednesday and Thursday with us and then he was off to Germany for this week. He's back on Friday and will be quite happy that the heat in the room where he's staying is working again! It was literally like sleeping outside but I found out today per the plumber that the valve was jammed. So all fixed! Doesn't help that he was with no heat when all the snow came...

London winters are supposed to be fairly mild. London weather is supposed to avoid the extremes. Well, last week we got six inches of snow! London is really pretty in the snow, even if the trains get all messed up and traffic comes to a complete halt. It was pretty to watch through the windows at the bakery while I was being trained! But the snow had perfect timing, it felt really festive! I even tried to make some sugar cookies to really get into the holiday season, but it was an epic failure.... never use "i can't believe it's not butter." The cookies turn out all puffy and more like scones than cookies! I put some raspberry jam on top and all was not lost! They were actually pretty good. Not quite the Santas and Gingerbread men I was hoping for though...
And then it rained on Friday. The snow was gone. It's just incredibly COLD now. *sigh* At least we'll be going home in a little over a week! Can't wait! 

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