Saturday the 16th, Andrew and I awoke jet lagged bright and early. It was Baltimore Marathon day so we went for a nice little walk over towards Fells. I was craving Blue Moon (anyone up at the crack of dawn on a weekend, treat yourself to breakfast here!! There tends to be a looong wait after 8 AM). Sitting in the window of Blue Moon we were able to see the Marathon front runners glide by at mile 15/16-ish, running a pace faster than I can run one mile! They seriously looked like gazelles! There was a HUGE gap between these pack leaders and the next set of runners. At least 5-10 minutes (I'm a horrible time estimator).

As I mentioned before, the reception was at the Peabody Library. I had never been there before and it was honestly stunning. It looked like something out of Harry Potter with it's open foyer and story after story of book shelves! I found a long lost bff in John Simonetti's girlfriend Blair. It was all just fabulous. And I really enjoyed myself until it was time for the father daughter dance. Ashley's dad passed away a few years ago and she put together this slide show in it's place of pictures of her and her dad/family. I lost it. To my defense, there wasn't a dry eye in the room, but I took it especially hard. After that, it was hard for me to pick my mood back up.
It was a gorgeous wedding. Very Ashley and Greg. I love them.
Tuesday I had lunch with my former GCIR boys and then went home to see Jacky play his last soccer game at home! It was senior night and he wrote a little note thanking my parents for their support. Unfortunately, it wasn't the best game but I got to see just how exceptional of a keeper Jack is! Amazing! Cousin Mikey came to watch too. It's always great catching up with him :) The Wednesday it was back to Baltimore to have dinner with Emily and Elliot. It was a blast as always! We really miss those guys. I'm pretty sure I drank a bottle of wine on my own that night and I was blindly drunk by the time I got back to the hotel. Totally not what the plan was! That was the night that made me miss Baltimore and our old hood, Fed Hill, the most.

The Thursday we went to see Josh, Andrew's BFF. We went with Josh to pick the boys up at their school. I can't believe have big they've gotten! Carter was crawling the last time I saw him so it was amazing to see him walking around and the happy-go-lucky personality he's developed! And Travis is a little man now! Josh has started teaching him early to be a ladies man, because in the car, he was petting my leg and playing with my hair. He was too cute for words! We played with the boys and had some dinner and it was just like old times. Andrew and I both really miss having the good friends that we had back home... Travis is a little monkey too! I got some good pics of him with his godfather, Uncle Andrew :)
Then Friday, Jesse came in! Andrew and I killed a little time at Arundel Mills while waiting for his plane to land at BWI. We ended up playing in Dave and Busters and had a BLAST! Between basketball, football throwing, claw machines and skee ball, we had a fabulous time! I can't wait to go back and have a day like that again - hopefully over Christmas because I really enjoyed myself! I even won an Orioles basketball in the claw machine on my first try!
Sunday we got up and went to Baltimore. Andrew. my mom and I drove separately because the other boys were tailgating with my dad's friends bright and early. We aren't even out of Waldorf when Andrew gets a speeding ticket. I felt so bad for him. It was a road where we always speed and there is never anyone one it. And if that wasn't bad enough, 45 seconds after that, we hear a pop and air gushing and it turns out we get a flat tire. So poor Andrew pulls over in the Colony South, strips down to a wife beater, and puts the spare on. We FINALLY make it to Baltimore, park and go to the tailgate. We went to the Ravens v. Bills. It should've been an easy win for the Ravens but they scored ahead of us because our defense stunk it up and then we took the lead by a large gap and then it was tied for the end of regulation play. Thank GOODNESS we won in overtime, but it was the most stressful game ever. We had our old seats which was really nice and the cheerleaders wore their Halloween costumes for the second half which i thought was incredibly cute! It was a gorgeous day so all in all, perfect. Afterward, we went to Regi's for an early dinner before Andrew and I had to leave to make our flight. So the trip came full circle. It's always so so hard to leave. I miss my family. I can't wait to go home at Christmas!
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