We're just getting home from a lovely weekend in Windsor - well, actually we're just getting home from the gym but I will get to that later.
Our friends Bernie and Alison tied the knot yesterday. Bernie is one of Andrew's friends that I met in Baltimore and his lovely bride Alison is a native Brit. They met in Germany and were living there, and attended the world cup, in '06 when my family and I were there...what a small world!
Anyway, the wedding was at a beautiful church - St. Peter's in Burnham. It was absolutely gorgeous and over 800 years old! The gravestones were so so old and unique. It was all very cool! I must say that vows sound better in an English accent. After the ceremony, the Baltimore lushes went across the street to the pub for a drink before the Champagne reception. The Champagne Reception, Dinner, and after dinner dancing were all done at the Burnham Beeches hotel. The area is really close to Heathrow so if you ever have an overnight lay over around Heathrow - check it out!!

The Champagne started flowing around 3:30ish PM (we'll say) and didn't stop until midnight! Brits are hardcore! Andrew and I were seated at the Baltimore table with Justin Magno, Holly S. and Lakisha. There were also two adorable Irish girls, that were a lot of fun, stuck at the Baltimore table. Dinner was beautiful, especially the cheesecake dessert! Hands down probably the best cheesecake I've ever had. It was almost whipped, it was so light and fluffy! And Matt Schneider (also a Baltimore-ian but seated at the Boston table as that's where Bernie first met him) was the best man and gave the best Best-man speech I've ever heard. Seriously! But it was Bernie who made me cry like a baby in his sincere and emotional address to his new wife. Absolutely beautiful!
Of course idiot me forgot my camera, so I only got a few shots on my phone and they're pretty terrible. I'm hoping Holly, Vicki, and/or Lakisha got some better ones!
After dinner, the room was cleared out and the DJ came in! Oh, but I am forgetting the best thing about a British wedding - the Toastmaster!! He announces EVERYTHING and when you walk into the dining room, he announces you to the couple. He told great stories to preface different parts of the evening, how certain marriage traditions began like the phrase "tieing the knot" and the significance of carrying your wife over the threshold of your home and why speeches are given about the newlywed couple. He was the cutest little old man in a bright red jacket with tails and he carried around a gavel and banged it every time he wanted the crowd's attention! He was in love with Holly - he kept making it a point to stop and say something to her ;) Too cute! We all nominated Justin as Toastmaster for all future events.

So back to the dancing!! We seriously danced for a solid 5 hours. The DJ started off strong but then there was a string of apparently popular, old school British music that I've never heard in my life and a 70's set that I just wasn't feeling but went with it anyway. When in Rome, right?? Holly tried to influence the DJ's choices, but I think he was more concerned with her trying to borrow his headphones so he didn't change it up too much... hehehe. BUT it was great and I loved everyone! I met a girl that's currently living in Brussels, Heather. Her husband is playing Pro Basketball there and told me to contact her when we head over there so we can be VIP and see a game! how fun!!
I may have had to boot and rally halfway through the dancing as well, but overall, FANTASTIC day of celebrating. Bernie and Alison have lots of people who love them and make a stunning couple :)
Andrew and I got up early this morning - or a little later than usual if you factor in Day Light Savings - had a lovely English breakfast and hopped a train back to London. From the Paddington station we took a bus because the underground is an absolute mess on the weekends when they close lines and stations for servicing. I've decided I prefer the bus on the weekends. It's so easy and almost like a mini sightseeing tour, especially when you hop on the double decker ones! It's funny - I'm completely directionally challenged when I'm walking the streets of London, BUT my redeeming quality is that I have a keen sense of when we are going the wrong way on public transportation. Which we did from Paddington. BUT luckily i noticed by the third stop and we were able to turn around fairly easily :)

Andrew and I joined Fitness First today on a 6 week membership to give the gym a go in London. It's a bit of a hike from the house but it's the cheapest one so far and if I have to hear Andrew whine anymore about how he wants to join a gym I think I'll pull my hair out! Ha!
I will also be trying my hand in the Fashion industry. I got an assistant position with production company based in LA, to help with their small London office to get ready for the Cannes Film Festival in May! On paper, it sounds REALLY cool - but we'll see where it goes. I find out more details tomorrow :) I also signed up for 2 sewing classes in the city! I'm hell bent on learning to sew - London gives me the overwhelming urge to create!
With the BA strike, poor Matt and Vicki Schneider are stranded in London until Wednesday so they will be coming to stay with us for a couple nights until their flight! Time for cleaning and some laundry!!
PS - Originally I said there was a T.J. maxx was on high street kensington...it's actually called T.K. Maxx! lol. It's exactly the same, I guess it's just the Euro version?? Same exact concept, store set up and everything! We got Andrew a nice tie for 8 quid. Can't beat that!
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