I'm just home from a lovely weekend in the South of France. It was so fabulous. I'm relaxed, tanned, and at least 5 pounds heavier!
Friday, we left around noon and got to our hotel in Cannes around 6pm. My boss wanted me to meet with Prince Lorenzo from Italia at a party but I was tired and hungry and a little grumpy from all the traveling and didn't know if I wanted to go. Andrew and I walked along the Croisette and decided that maybe we did want to go to the party after all - the beach was gorgeous, there were so many people out, I got my second wind.
So we made ourselves pretty and then walked down to the party on the beach. We had a little trouble finding it because the invite had the name of a hotel on it, but the event was actually in a tent on the beach. The "door" alone was an interesting experience. We were behind a group of 4 older people complaining that they came "all the way from Monaco for this.." and finally the three girls with the clip boards gave in and let them enter. My boss had called ahead so all I had to say was "Stephanie Jacobs" and we were in!! Kind of cool, I've never been "on the list" for an event before.

I wondered how on earth I was going to find this Prince that Jane wanted me to meet for her when all of a sudden there was a giant blonde guy with an Italian accent in front of me talking to another couple. So I waited and had a little liquid courage and then introduced myself. Lorenzo was so super nice!! He swore up and down that he had met Andrew before but I guess Andrew just has one of those faces because we've definitely never met this guy before. He was adorable and took us into the VIP section to meet the other Lorenzo that my boss wanted me to meet and then I was done with my obligations and could just hang out!! The VIP section of this party was exactly the same as the rest of the party except that there was a rope around it and two people manning the entrance to that rope. The gatekeepers of the VIP section weren't too happy to let riffraff like Andrew and me in, but did so anyway. We didn't stay long.
I kept getting our drinks from the same bartender. He only spoke French but got a big smile on his face when I would come up and handed me a pink Champagne right away. I was glad to have Andrew there, he speaks the French so any time anyone said anything to me in French, I just panic-blank stared at Andrew and let him take over :)
The funniest part of the evening was when the prince leaned over to me and said "I'm a gonna say something bad...all these plastic women look the same! I never know if I have met them before or not" This brings me to the highlights of this party:
1) the Crazy plastic surgery women - they could have been 40, they could have been 60+ you literally had no idea. Every inch of them had had some for of "work" done to it and their faces honestly looked like aliens with their skin pulled SO tight that their eyes were slanted. We enjoyed watching them hit on the younger men and dance... oh the dancing...
2) The VIPs - This party had the B-list, perhaps even C-List celebs. Clearly they all knew each other, but we had no clue who any of them were. The BEST part was at least half of them had camera crews following them around literally filming their every move. The extreme - the next morning when looking for a cafe to have a cup of coffee, we saw a guy running for exercise and he literally had a videographer following him as he was running. And the videographer was wearing a suit.
So we drank our free drinks and then walked down the croisette to find some food. It was funny, people were literally dressed to the nines everywhere, just looking for some sort of party to get into I guess? I'm not sure why else they would be all dressed up. We has some pizza and risotto and then we were back in the hotel for a little TV and a glass of wine before bed.
Saturday, the real vacation started!! We got up, packed up, and went down to the Croisette in our silly little blue car. We got some coffee and a chocolate croissant for me and walked around a bit to take a few more pics. Absolutely gorgeous, Cannes.
Then off to Andrew's dad's house near Avignon! I think that's the town it is the closest to, but I have a hard time hearing French sounds, so between what Andrew was saying and the names I saw on the street signs as we were driving, this is what I deduced! I think the actual area is called Pont Royal.
It took us an hour and a half to get there with the traffic. We got stuck in a fair amount due to two accidents along the way. Our little car could barely get up to speed limit as well... silly Twingo! For any Psych fans, we were joking that it looked like Gus's car we were driving :)
We got to Hubert and Dea's in time for a hug and kiss before their tee-time. Andrew and I immediately plopped ourselves by the pool. The JVM house is nicer than any resort.. the pool and terrace area is heavenly. We had all our meals on the terrace by the house and spent a fair amount each day in the lounge chairs by the pool. I honestly haven't been this relaxed since I've gotten to Europe. Andrew, who has been so so stressed with work stuff, was a whole new person here - completely recharged. It was fantastic.

When we got back, Jill, Andrew's step-sister, came!! She and her fiance Steve were supposed to come for the entire weekend with us, but poor Steve got into a Vespa accident with a car a few days before and fractured his collarbone!! Jill set him up nicely for the weekend and then came down.
Sunday and Monday, we relaxed, had huge breakfasts of bread and cheese and chocolate croissants (Andrew's dad always spoils me with these every morning when I see him!!) and fruit and yogurt. Due to my lack of self control, I seriously gorged myself at every meal. And Dea made great lunches and dinners with salads and veggies and steaks and cheese and fish and I can't even remember all of it because there was so so much at every meal. And fantastic wine. Andrew's cousin runs a few vineyards in the area so we enjoyed wine and jams from those. We even visited one, Terre Blanche i think it was called. Beautiful. Everything in the South of France is stunning.
We also saw the towns of Aix and St Remy, and walked around a castle village on a hill (I didn't catch the name of that place) but everything was gorgeous! Can't wait to go back!

One final note in this insanely long post - I, again, cannot STAND Ryanair. I understand it's cheap and that it gets you from point A to point B just fine and that it's not supposed to have any bells or whistles...but it's been a painful experience both of the 2 times we have used them.
My Take aways: pack less shoes and learn French.